Tollring launches iCS insight, a new business productivity app for BroadWorks at BroadSoft Connections
iCS insight delivers powerful call data visualisation via predefined dashboards and wallboards, accessible from mobile devices.
Tollring is showcasing the new iCS insight marketplace app at BroadSoft Connections. The app delivers cutting edge telecoms data analytics & visualisation to enhance business productivity.Tollring insight seamlessly integrates with the BroadWorks CDR Call Accounting feed to enable customer-facing teams with SLAs / target commitments monitor inbound and outbound calls on any device. The intuitive ‘click and drill’ application is easy to deploy and enables businesses of any size to view call metrics critical to their business, by accessing reports, dashboards and wallboards that have been optimised specifically for mobile devices.
The new app helps businesses to make immediate decisions based on call activity. Visual dashboards and wallboards are delivered via a browser on any computer or mobile device. Managers can frequently monitor caller tolerance, percentage calls answered, abandoned calls and unresolved missed calls to improve customer service and achieve goals.
Karim Sadroudine, Director, Applications Marketplace at BroadSoft comments “We have been keen to add a call reporting app to the marketplace portfolio for some time, so are excited to see the launch of this intuitive new app. We think it is a valuable productivity tool that will enable businesses to visualise their call data and turn it into critical business intelligence.”
For businesses requiring enhanced level reporting and analytics, it is easy to upgrade to other modules of icall suite (iCS) cloud. The call reporting module delivers ‘real-time’ call data at the end of every call, additional reports, report scheduling and customisable dashboards. Premier reporting provides ‘live’ wallboards, ACD information, calls queuing and user presence. For customers using OrecX hosted call recording, the call recording module integrates fully to enable recordings to be played, flagged, tagged and evaluated within the application providing users with a unified analytics portal.
Tony Martino, MD of Tollring comments “Not only is our company at an exciting stage of global development, our solutions portfolio has never been stronger. Product development lies at the heart of our organisation to deliver the latest technologically advanced data intelligence solutions. We are delighted to be launching the iCS insight app at this year’s BroadSoft Connections event.”
Tollring will be showcasing the iCS insight app on 12th-15th October at BroadSoft Connections in Scottsdate, Arizona.