Category: Uncategorised

Navigating the Purchase Funnel: A Guide for Channel Success

Is the Purchase Funnel a Useful Model for the Channel? The purchase funnel has long been a staple of sales and marketing strategies, but is it still relevant in today’s evolving marketplace? While theory and practice can differ significantly, the growing reliance on digital marketplaces is proving the purchase funnel to be an increasingly valuable…

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Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Opportunities in the Channel

The Biggest Challenges Facing Sellers in the Channel In today’s crowded market, resellers often struggle to differentiate themselves, both in terms of their technology offerings and their approach to sales. This competitive environment frequently results in a race to the bottom, as resellers feel compelled to compete on price rather than on the value they…

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Tollring’s Analytics 365 on PingCo’s TCAP Platform Boosts CX for Teams 

Following the partnership announcement earlier this year, PingCo and Tollring are excited to introduce the integration of Tollring’s Analytics 365 Call Analytics service within PingCo’s TCAP Service Hub. This integration allows customers to easily self-provision Analytics 365 Call Analytics directly through TCAP in just minutes, bringing enhanced analytics capabilities seamlessly into the Microsoft Teams ecosystem….

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AI in 2025: A Transformative Shift Toward Practical Business Value

Historically, AI and technologies such as comprehensive call analytics were reserved for large enterprises due to the high costs, but this will shift during 2025. With decreasing costs of AI technology for vendors such as ourselves, together with more straightforward, off-the-shelf solutions, all sizes of business will be able adopt the technology without significant cost…

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Adapting Your Tech Portfolio for Success in the Channel

The Demand and Decline of Technologies Analytics and AI-driven analytics are massively in demand since they can improve customer experience and enable providers to be more competitive. The latest technologies empower analytics to add value to both the channel provider’s proposition and their customer’s business. Analytics have become essential in business, driving better and smarter...Read More

Sales Strategies for the Future: Adapting to Complexity

Assessing the Sales Journey: Where Are We Headed? The sales journey has changed from being transactional to one that is more strategic.  Salespeople in our sector are placing greater emphasis on cultivating deeper connections with their customers and fostering trusted advisor relationships over the long term. This is essential if resellers and MSPs are to...Read More